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GLEICHENIA. (Gen. ii Syn. Fil. p. 11.)

Gleichenia circinata, Sw. (Syn. Fil. ii. 3.)
Mt. Kinabalu, Mr. F. W. Burbidge, 5,000-6,000 ft. and Dr. G. D. Haviland, 10,500 ft.
Distribution: From Australia and New Zealand to Malacca and the Philippines.
——— var. borneensis, Baker in Jour. Bot. 1879, p. 37.
Mt. Kinabalu, Mr. F. W. Burbidge.
G. (Mertensia) longissima Bl. (Syn. Fil. ii. 7.) = G. glanca Hooker, the oldest name.
Mt. Dulit and Mt. Matang. Sarawak, not under 2,500 ft. though elsewhere in Malaya it is found at a much lower elevation.
Distribution: China, Japan, Malaya, West Indies.
——— variety arachnoides Mett. (Syn, Fil. l. c.) = G. bullata, Moore.
Mt. Kinabalu, 7000 ft. Sir Hugh Low.
G. (Mert.) sp.
Large, tripinnatifid, stem and rachises covered with broad acuminated brown scales having whitish cartilaginous edges, the crossing of which on the surface produces an appearance that may be called "cobwebby." Pinnae 18 in. long, 4-5 in. wide, oblong-lanceolate. Secondary pinnas 2-24 in. l. in, wide, cut down nearly to the rachis into oblong blunt segmeuts, with margins much recurved. Sori covered by the large spreading scales.
A single specimen in the Sarawak Museum contributed by Dr. G. D. Haviland from Mt. Kinabalu, 8,000 ft. His number 1950. If this is the G. arachnoides Hk. from this