Page:Judaism and Islam, a prize essay - Geiger - 1898.pdf/134

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thief, son of a thief," with reference to Eachel's having stolen the Teraphim. 1 From the Qurn it appears 2 that Jacob knew by divine communication that Joseph still lived, which is opposed to one Jewish view, 3 but agrees with another, 4 which runs as follows : " An unbeliever, asked our teacher, f Do the dead live on ? Your fathers did not accept this, and will you accept it ? It is said of Jacob, that he refused to be comforted. 5 If he had believed that the dead live on, would he have refused comfort ?' Then he answered him. ' Foolish one I he knew through the Holy Grhost that he still lived (in the flesh) , and one does not take comfort concerning the living.' " The story that Joseph told Benjamin beforehand who he was, is common to the Quran 6 and the Sepher Hayyashar. Besides these additions from Jewish legends there is also other matter which owes its origin to error, or possibly to traditions unknown to us. Muhammad's statement 7 that the brothers asked their father to send Joseph with them contradicts the Biblical account ; 8 and the statement that one of the

1 Genesis, xxxi. 19, The Arabian commentators give the most varying accounts. One of these confirms our view of an erroneous confusion with Rachel, viz., the following in Elpherar: ^^. *** ^

S'aid Ben Jubair and Katada say that bis grand-father, his mother's father, had an image which he worshipped. This he stole secretly." 2 Sura XII. 86, 97. 3 Pfrke Rabbi Eliezer, section 38.

4 Mid. Tanchuma quoted in Mid. Yalkut, chapter 143.

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5 Genesis, xxxvii. 35. 6 Sura XII. 69.

7 Sura XII. 11 ff . 8 Genesis, xxxvii. 18 ff,