Page:Julian Niemcewicz - Notes of my Captivity in Russia.djvu/99

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of obscenity and abuse. Scarcely had the postilion left the stable with his horses, when the Major, with whip in hand, rushed immediately upon him, and loaded the poor fellow with blows, during the whole time he was putting the horses to the carriage. When the inn-keeper was lucky enough to succeed in hiding himself, and the postilion had gone to fetch something they required, Titow did not remain inactive; always armed with his whip, he applied it to the idlers and children around our carriage, and when even they were driven away, he did not lose his time, but whipped the horses. It was, indeed, very galling to us to witness every day all these cruelties. Alas! how often were these honest people rewarded with insults and blows for all their hospitality and attention to us! It may be said, without any exaggeration, that everywhere on the road our steps were stained with blood, and bathed with tears.

In the meantime we beheld the five gilded cupolas of the basilic of Kiow; our conduc-