Page:Juvenal and Persius by G. G. Ramsay.djvu/377

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Ulysses told a tale like this over the dinner-table to the amazed Alcinous,[1] he stirred some to wrath, some perhaps to laughter, as a lying story-teller. "What?" one would say, "will no one hurl this fellow into the sea, who merits a terrible and a true Charybdis with his inventions of monstrous Laestrygones and Cyclopes? For I could sooner believe in Scylla, and the clashing Cyanean rocks,[2] and skins full of storms, or in the story how Circe, by a gentle touch, turned Elpenor[3] and his comrades into grunting swine. Did he deem the Phaeacians people so devoid of brains?" So might some one have justly spoken who was not yet tipsy, and had taken but a small drink of wine from the Corcyraean bowl, for the Ithacan's tale was all his own, with none to bear him witness.

27I will now relate strange deeds done of late in the consulship of Juncus,[4] beyond the walls of broiling Coptus; a crime of the common herd, worse than any crime of the tragedians; for though you turn over all the tales of long-robed Tragedy from the days of Pyrrha onwards, you will find there no crime committed by an entire people. But hear what an example of ruthless barbarism has been displayed in these days of ours.

33Between the neighbouring towns of Ombi and Tentyra[5] there burns an ancient and long-cherished feud and undying hatred, whose wounds are not to be healed. Each people is filled with fury against the other because each hates its neighbours' Gods, deeming that none can be held as deities save its

  1. King of the Phaeacians, to whom Ulysses narrated his adventures.
  2. The clashing rocks (συμπληγάδες) at the mouth of the Bosporus.
  3. One of the crew of Ulysses turned into a pig by Circe.
  4. Aemilius Juncus was consul in A.D. 127. This fixes the earliest date for this Satire.
  5. Ombi and Tentyra (now Dendyra), towns in Upper Egypt.


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