Page:Kéraban the Inflexible Part 1 (Jules Verne).djvu/153

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be as well off as in Constantinople within reach of Madame van—"

"Hold your tongue, Bruno; do not pronounce that name!"

"I will not if it is disagreeable to you, sir; but it is to her, in fact, that we owe this expedition. To run the risk of being engulfed in marshes, to be roasted in volcanic districts—is too much, it is indeed. I would therefore suggest, not a dispute with Seigneur Kéraban—you would come off second-best there—but just let him understand by a few gentle words that you will see him in Constantinople, when it pleases you to return thither!"

"That would not be quite practicable," replied Van Mitten.

"It would be prudent," replied Bruno.

"You find a good deal to complain of, then?"

"Yes, a great deal; and besides—I do not know whether you have remarked it—I am getting thin."

"Not much, Bruno, not much."

"Ay; but I know very well that I am; and if I go on like this I shall soon become a skeleton!"

"Have you been weighed, Bruno?"

"I wanted to get weighed at Kertsch," replied Bruno, "but there was only a letter-weight obtainable."

"And would not that suffice?" said Van Mitten, laughing.

"No, sir," replied Bruno gravely, "but before long it will suffice to weigh your poor servant. Now, shall we let Seigneur Kéraban continue his journey without us?"

Certainly this manner of travelling did not suit Van Mitten, who was of a phlegmatic temperament, and disliked hurry. But the idea of abandoning his friend Kéraban was so repugnant to him that he refused to entertain it.

"No, Bruno," he said, "I am his invited guest—"

"A guest!" exclaimed Bruno, "a guest who has to travel seven hundred leagues instead of one league!"

"No matter," replied his master.

"Permit me to tell you that you are wrong, sir," continued Bruno; "I repeat it for the tenth time. We are by no means at the end of our troubles, and I have a presentiment that you will have your full share of them."