Page:Kéraban the Inflexible Part 1 (Jules Verne).djvu/24

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"Quite so. But my lord Saffar is under the impression that in three days the young lady will have been carried on board your ship and bound for Trebizond. Now, if you think that impossible—"

"I never said it impossible, Scarpante. Nothing is impossible when audacity and money are combined. I merely said that the enterprise will be more difficult under the circumstances; that is all."

"Difficult!" exclaimed Scarpante contemptuously. "This will not be the first time that a Turkish girl, or a young Russian lady, has disappeared from Odessa!"

"And it won't be the last time, or the captain of the Guidare will know the reason why," replied Yarhud.

"Who is the fellow who wants to marry Amasia?" asked Scarpante.

"A young Turk; of the same race as Amasia herself," was the reply.

"From Odessa?"

"No; of Constantinople."

"What is his name?"


"Who is this Ahmet, then?"

"Nephew and sole heir of a rich merchant of Galata, Seigneur Kéraban."

"What is his business?"

"Tobacco, in which he has made an immense fortune. Selim the banker is his correspondent at Odessa. They have put through some very important business together, and often pay each other visits. Under these circumstances, Amasia and Ahmet have become acquainted; and so the marriage has been arranged by the father of the girl and the uncle of the young man."

"Where is the marriage fixed to take place?" asked Scarpante. "Will it be solemnized here, in Constantinople?"

"No; at Odessa."


"I do not know; but if young Ahmet's wishes are consulted, it may be any day."

"So we have no time to lose, eh?"

"Not an instant."