Page:Kéraban the Inflexible Part 1 (Jules Verne).djvu/26

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Maltese simply. "But as I have told you the bad news, let me now tell you more favourable tidings."

"Speak!" said Scarpante, who, after pacing up and down in a thoughtful attitude, returned to his companion.

"If this projected marriage renders it more difficult to carry the girl off, since Ahmet will not be long absent from her, I will find opportunity to enter the banker's house. The fact is, I am not only the captain of the Guidare, but a merchant. My vessel carries a rich cargo; silk stuffs, brocades enriched with diamonds, and a hundred kindred articles, calculated to attract the attention of a young girl about to be married. At that time, too, she will be all the more easily tempted. I shall be able to attract her on board, and then, taking advantage of a favourable wind, I shall be able to put to sea before her absence has caused any alarm."

"That seems a good notion, Yarhud," replied Scarpante; "and I have no doubt you will succeed. But you must be very careful to keep all this a profound secret."

"You may make your mind quite easy on that point, Scarpante."

"You are not in want of money, I suppose?"

"No; there is no fear of that where your generous patron is concerned."

"Well, now lose no time. The marriage once contracted, Amasia will be Ahmet's wife, and it is not in that capacity that my lord wishes to see her at Trebizond."

"I quite understand."

"Very well. As soon as the banker's daughter is on board the Guidare you will set sail."

"Yes, for before I make my advances I will wait for a favourable breeze—a steady westerly wind."

"How long do you anticipate it will take you to run from Odessa to Trebizond?"

"With possible delays, calms or changes of wind—for the wind is very uncertain in the Black Sea—the voyage may perhaps occupy three weeks."

"Good!" replied Scarpante. "I will make my way to Trebizond about that time, and my patron will not be long after me."

"I hope to be there before you," said Yarhud.