Page:Kéraban the Inflexible Part 1 (Jules Verne).djvu/85

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he entered the gallery, accompanied by one of his crew, who carried some fabrics in his arms.

"I am he," replied the young man; "and you are—?"

"Captain Yarhud, commanding the felucca Guidare which is moored yonder."

"What is your business?"

"Seigneur Ahmet,” said the captain, "I have heard of your approaching marriage."

"You have then heard, captain, of that which most dearly concerns me."

"I can quite understand that," replied the captain, turning towards Amasia; "so I had the idea that I might perhaps place at your disposal all the rich things which my vessel contains."

"Well, that is not a bad idea of yours, Captain Yarhud," replied Ahmet.

"My dear Ahmet, what can I possibly want with more than I have?" said Amasia.

"Who knows?" replied Ahmet. "These Levantine captains have often an extensive assortment of valuable things, and we may as well inspect them."

"Yes; we must inspect them, and purchase some too," exclaimed Nedjeb; "and ruin Seigneur Kéraban, which will punish him for his delay."

"What does your cargo consist of, captain?" inquired Ahmet.

"Valuable stuffs which I have purchased at various places where they are made," replied Yarhud, "and in which I usually trade."

"Very well; we must let these young women see them—they know more about such things than I do; and I shall be very glad, my dear Amasia, if amongst the cargo of the Guidare you can find some pretty things to please you.'

"I have no doubt about it," replied Yarhud; "and besides, I have brought some samples with me, which I pray you to examine before you go on board."

"Let us see them!" exclaimed Nedjeb. "But I tell you beforehand, captain, you have nothing in any way too beautiful for my mistress."