Page:Kéraban the Inflexible Part 1 (Jules Verne).djvu/96

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"Necessary, no; but I do not think that Ahmet will decline to accompany me!"

"Nevertheless—" continued Selim.

"Nevertheless what?" cried Kéraban, grinding his teeth,—and this question closed the discussion.

There was again silence for a space which seemed interminable. Meantime Ahmet made his decision boldly. He spoke to his fiancée apart, and succeeded in making her understand that, however terrible the parting would be, there was nothing to be gained by resisting the mandate; that, without him, the journey would very likely be prolonged and meet with numerous delays, which his perfect acquaintance with the Russian language would remove. So, by accompanying his uncle, Ahmet decided that no time would be lost, and he would also hasten the journey, even though it cost three times as much; and he would all the more certainly bring Kéraban back in time for the wedding, fixed to take place at the end of the following month.

Amasia had not the courage to say yes; but she understood that Ahmet was right.

"Very well, uncle," said the young man, "I will accompany you; I am ready to go; but—"

"Oh, we will have no conditions, nephew."

"Unconditionally, then," said Ahmet; "but," he added mentally, "I will make you run till you are out of breath, pig-headed uncle that you are!"

"Now we must start," said Kéraban: and, turning to Selim, "Are those roubles ready?" he asked.

"I will give them to you at Odessa, whither I will accompany you," replied Selim.

"Are you ready, Van Mitten?"

"Always ready," replied the Dutchman.

"Well, now, Ahmet, embrace your fiancée, and let us be gone."

Ahmet threw his arms round the young girl, who was bathed in tears.

"Do not cry, dearest Amasia," he said: "if our marriage is not advanced, it will not be postponed, I promise you that. Only a few weeks—"