Page:Kéraban the Inflexible Part 1 (Jules Verne).djvu/98

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He had reached the door, when Selim detained him,—

"Friend Kéraban," said he, "permit me a simple observation."

"I will have no observations."

"Well, then, a remark which I wish to make," persisted the banker.

"We have no time."

"Listen to me," continued Selim. "When you have reached Scutari, having made the tour of the Black Sea, what will you do?"

"I—do? why—I—I—"

"You do not, I suppose, intend to remain at Scutari for ever, without visiting Constantinople, where your business house is?"

"No," replied Kéraban, with some hesitation.

"In fact, uncle," said Ahmet, "if you still continue obstinate about crossing the Bosphorus, our wedding—"

"Friend Selim," interrupted Kéraban, eluding the main point, "nothing can be more simple. What is there to prevent you and Amasia from coming to Scutari? It will cost you ten paras each, it is true, to cross the Bosphorus, but your honour is not pledged like mine in the matter."

"Yes, yes, come to Scutari in a month," exclaimed Ahmet. "We will meet you there, dear Amasia; and, you may depend upon it, we will not keep you waiting."

"So be it. We meet at Scutari," said Selim, "and then the marriage shall be celebrated. But, after all, Kéraban, when the wedding is over, will you not return to Constantinople?"

"Certainly; I will return—certainly," said Kéraban.


"Well, if the vexatious tax has been abolished, I will cross the Bosphorus without paying."

"And if the tax be not removed?" said Selim.

"If it be not taken off," said Kéraban, with a superb gesture, "then, by Allah, I will retrace my steps, and make the tour of the Black Sea over again!"