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Aircraft Accident Report

Appendix B

Cockpit Voice Recorder Transcript

The following is a transcript of the Fairchild model A-100A CVR installed on Korean Air flight 801 (a Boeing 747-300, HL7468), which crashed while approaching Guam International Airport on August 6, 1997.

The CVR transcript reflects the final 31 minutes 1 second of the accident flight. Times are expressed in coordinated universal time (UTC time), which is 10 hours behind Guam local time. Only radio transmissions to and from the accident airplane were transcribed. Items that were stated either partially or completely in the Korean language are shown as two entries. The first, in bold type, is translated into the English language. The second is typed as if it were spoken in Korean and/or English. Items with only one entry were spoken entirely in English.

CAM Cockpit area microphone voice or sound source
RDO Radio transmission from accident aircraft
NAV Navigation signal identifiers heard through aircraft audio system
PA Voice transmitted over aircraft public address system
CTR Radio transmission from Guam center controller
TWR Radio transmission from Guam tower controller
GPWS Voice identified as aircraft mechanical voice
.? Voice unidentified
. Unintelligible word
# Expletive
--- Break in continuity
() Questionable insertion
[] Editorial insertion
..... Pause