Page:KJV 1772 Oxford Edition, vol. 2.djvu/12

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Before CHRIST 593. rision; and, look, when the Lord spake unto them, they made a sport of his prophets:

52 So far forth, that he, being wroth with his people for their great ungodliness, commanded the kings of the Chaldees to come up against them;

53 Who slew their young men with the sword, yea, even within the compass of their holy temple, and spared neither young man nor maid, old man nor child, among them; for he delivered all into their hands.

54 And they took all the holy vessels of the Lord, both great and small, with the vessels of the ark of God, and the king’s treasures, and carried them away into Babylon.

cir. 588. 55 As for the house of the Lord, they burnt it, and brake down the walls of Jerusalem, and set fire upon her towers:

56 And as for her glorious things, they never ceased till they had consumed and brought them all to nought: and the people that were not slain with the sword he carried unto Babylon:

57 Who became servants to him and his children, till the Persians reigned, to fulfil the [1] word of the Lord spoken by the mouth of Jeremy:

58 Until the land had enjoyed her sabbaths, the whole time of her desolation shall [2] she rest, until the full term of seventy years.


1 The proclamation of Cyrus for building the temple. 8 The Jews provide for their return. 10 Cyrus restoreth the holy vessels. 16 Artaxerxes moved by letters from the enemies of the Jews putteth a stop to the building.

cir. 536. 1 In the [3] first year of Cyrus king of the Persians, that the word of the Lord might be accomplished, that he had promised by the mouth of Jeremy;

2 The Lord raised up the spirit of Cyrus the king of the Persians, and he made proclamation through all his kingdom, and also by writing,

3 Saying, Thus saith Cyrus king of the Persians; The Lord of Israel, the most high Lord, hath made me king of the whole world,

4 And commanded me to build him an house at Jerusalem in Jewry.

5 If therefore there be any of you that are of his people, let the Lord, even his Lord, be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem that is in Judea, and build the house of the Lord of Israel: for [4] he is the Lord that dwelleth in Jerusalem.

Before CHRIST cir. 536. 6 Whosoever then dwell in the places about, let them help him, those, I say, that are his neighbours, with gold, and with silver,

7 With gifts, with horses, and with cattle, and other things, which have been set forth by vow, for the temple of the Lord at Jerusalem.

8 ¶ Then the chief of the families of Judea and of the tribe of Benjamin stood up; the priests also, and the Levites, and all they whose mind the Lord had moved to go up, and to build an house for the Lord at Jerusalem,

9 And they that dwelt round about them, and helped them in all things with silver and gold, with [5] horses and cattle, and with very many free gifts of a great number whose minds were stirred up thereto.

10 ¶ King Cyrus also brought forth the holy vessels, which Nabuchodonosor had carried away from Jerusalem, and had set up in his temple of idols.

11 Now when Cyrus king of the Persians had brought them forth, he delivered them to Mithridates his treasurer:

12 And by him they were delivered to [6] Sanabassar the governor of Judea.

13 And this was the number of them; A thousand golden cups, and a thousand of silver, [7] censers of silver twenty nine, vials of gold thirty, and of silver [8] two thousand four hundred and ten, and a thousand other vessels.

14 So all the vessels of gold and of silver, which were carried away, were [9] five thousand four hundred threescore and nine.

15 These were brought back by Sanabassar, together with them of the captivity, from Babylon to Jerusalem.

16[10] But in the time of Artexerxes king of the Persians Belemus, and Mithridates, and Tabellius, and [11] Rathumus, and Beeltethmus, and [12] Semellius the secretary, with others that were in commission with them, dwelling in Samaria and other places, wrote unto him against them that dwelt in Judea and Jerusalem these letters following;

17 To king Artexerxes our lord, Thy servants, Rathumus the storywriter, and Semellius the scribe, and the rest of their council, and the judges that are in Celosyria and Phenice.

18 Be it now known to the lord the king, that the Jews that are up from you to us, being come into Jerusalem, that rebellious and wicked city, do build

  1. k Jer. 25. 31. & 29-30.
  2. ‖ Or, keep sabbath.
  3. a 2 Chron 36. 22, 23. Ezra 1. 2, &c.
  4. ‖ Or, this.
  5. † Heb. substance. Ezra 1. 6.
  6. Gr. Shashbaszar: the first part of the word is corruptly joined to teh word going before. Ezra. 1. 8.
  7. † Heb. knives, Ezra 1. 9.
  8. b Ezra 1. 10, but four hundred and ten.
  9. c Ezra 1. 11, but five thousand four hundred.
  10. d Ezra 4. 7.
  11. Bahumus, and the name which followeth is but an epithet to teh former. Ezra 4. 9.
  12. Shimshai, Ezra 4. 8.

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