Page:Kail brose of auld Scotland (1).pdf/6

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So now alike the fools, and wits,
Fops, fidlers, foreigners and cits,
All ſtruck me by rotation.
Come learn of me ye patriot fair,
Nor make a ſingle man your care,
But ſigh for all the nation.


AS I was a walking one morning ſo fair,
So Green was the fields, and cool was the air,
There did I diſcover
Pretty Nancy my lover,
And I for to woo her was pleas’d for to ſay,

O faireſt of creatures that ever was ſeen,
You’re the pride of my heart, the flow’r of the green,
With garlands made of roſes,
And ſweet pretty poſies,
What nature compoſes I’ll crown you my Queen.

To theſe words I ſpoke ſhe anſwered and ſaid,
O how can you flatter a poor harmlefs maid,
For your tongue it runs ſo nimble,
It makes my heart to tremble,
And I fear you diſemble my poor heart to break.

Of all my ſweethearts I have had nine or ten,
Yet never a one can I fancy of them,
But if I ſhould believe you,
And you ſhould deceive me,
And ſcornfully leave me, Oh! where am I then?

Theſe words I ſpeak is by the Powers above,
The rocks and the mountains ſhall ſooner remove,
And the ſea ſhall flame on fire,
If from my love I do retire,
And there’s nothing I deſire, but innocent love.