Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v1.djvu/138

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[Runo XII

Grew both sorrowful and angry,
And for long was wild with fury,
And he spoke the words which follow:
“O my mother, aged woman,30
Wash my shirt, and wash it quickly
In the black snake’s deadly venom,
Dry it then, and dry it quickly
That I may go forth to battle,
And contend with youths of Pohja,
And o’erthrow the youths of Lapland.
Kyllikki has sought the village,
Entered there the doors of strangers,
There to dance with sportive maidens,
With their tresses all unbraided.”40
Kyllikki made answer promptly,
She his favoured bride responded:
“Ahti, O my dearest husband,
Do not now depart to battle!
I beheld while I was sleeping,
While my slumber was the deepest,
From the hearth the flames were flashing,
Flashing forth with dazzling brightness,
Leaping up below the windows,
To the furthest walls extending,50
Then throughout the house blazed fiercely,
Like a cataract in its fury,
O’er the surface of the flooring,
And from window unto window.”
But the lively Lemminkainen
Answered in the words which follow:
“Nought I trust in dreams of women,
Nor rely on woman’s insight.
O my mother who hast borne me,
Bring me here my war-shirt quickly,60
Bring me, too, my mail for battle,
For my inclination leads me
Hence to drink the beer of battle,
And to taste the mead of combat.”
Then his mother spoke in answer:
“O my son, my dearest Ahti,