Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v1.djvu/145

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Runo XII]
Expedition to Pohjola

Started quickly on his journey.
Rocked the sledge, the way grew shorter,
And the silver sand was scattered,
And the golden heather crackled.310
Thus he drove one day, a second,
Drove upon the third day likewise,
And at length upon the third day
Came the hero to a village.
Then the lively Lemminkainen
Drove the rattling sledge straight onward
Forth along the furthest pathway,
To the furthest of the houses,
And he asked upon the threshold,
Speaking from behind the window:320
“Is there some one in this household
Who can loose my horse’s harness,
And can sink the shaft-poles for me,
And can loose the horse’s collar?”
From the floor a child made answer,
And a boy from out the doorway:
“There is no one in this threshold,
Who can loose your horse’s harness,
Or can sink the shaft-poles for you,
Or can loose the horse’s collar.”330
Little troubled Lemminkainen,
O’er the horse his whip he brandished,
With the beaded whip he smote him,
Drove the rattling sledge straight onward,
On the midmost of the pathways
To the midmost of the houses,
And he asked upon the threshold,
And beneath the eaves he shouted:
“Is there no one in this household
Who will hold the horse-reins for me,340
And the chest-bands will unloosen,
That the foaming steed may rest him?”
From the stove a crone responded
From the stove-bench cried a gossip:
“There are plenty in this household
Who can hold the horse-reins for you,