Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v1.djvu/155

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Runo XIII]
Hiisi’s Elk

In the house the tubs kicked over,
On the fire upset the kettles,
Shaken out the soup within them,
Spilt it all among the ashes.”
Thereupon the ruddy rascal,
He the lively Lemminkainen,
Struck his left shoe in the snowdrift,
Like an adder in the meadow,
Pushed his staff of pinewood forward,
As it were a living serpent,200
And he said as he was gliding,
Grasping firm the pole he carried:
“Let the men who live in Lapland,
Help me all to bring the elk home;
And let all the Lapland women
Set to work to wash the kettles;
And let all the Lapland children
Hasten forth to gather splinters;
And let all the Lapland kettles
Help to cook the elk when captured.”210
Then he poised himself and balanced,
Forward pushed, his strength exerting,
And the first time he shot forward,
From before their eyes he vanished.
Once again he speeded onward,
And they could no longer hear him,
But the third time he rushed onward,
Then he reached the elk of Hiisi.
Then he took a pole of maple,
And he made a birchen collar;220
Hiisi’s elk he tethered with it,
In a pen of oak he placed it.
“Stand thou there, O elk of Hiisi,
Here remain, O nimble reindeer!”
Then upon the back he stroked it,
Patted it upon the belly.
“Would that I awhile might tarry,
And might sleep awhile and rest me,
Here beside a youthful maiden,
With a dove of blooming beauty.”230