Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v1.djvu/168

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[Runo XIV

Would that thou might’st know, and hasten
To thy son, who lies in anguish.
Surely thou would’st hasten hither,
To my aid thou then would’st hasten,430
To thy hapless son’s assistance,
At the point of death now lying,
For indeed too young I slumber,
And I die while still so cheerful.”
Then did Pohjola’s blind greybeard,
Märkähattu, he the cowherd,
Fling the lively Lemminkainen,
Casting Kaleva’s own offspring
Into Tuoni’s murky river,
In the worst of all the whirlpools.440
Floated lively Lemminkainen,
Down the thundering cataract floated,
Down the rushing stream he floated,
Unto Tuonela’s dread dwelling.
Then the bloodstained son of Tuoni
Drew his sword, and smote the hero,
With his gleaming blade he hewed him,
While it shed a stream of flashes,
And he hewed him in five fragments,
And in pieces eight he hewed him,450
Then in Tuonela’s stream cast them,
Where are Manala’s abysses.
“Thou may’st toss about for ever,
With thy crossbow and thy arrows,
Shooting swans upon the river,
Water-birds upon its borders!”
Thus did Lemminkainen perish,
Perished thus the dauntless suitor,
Down in Tuoni’s murky river,
Down in Manala’s abysses.460