Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v1.djvu/234

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[Runo XIX

If you catch the Bear of Tuoni,
Bridle, too, the Wolf of Mana,
Far in Tuonela’s great forest,
In the distant realms of Mana.
Hundreds have gone forth to yoke them;
Never one returned in safety.”110
Then the smith, e’en Ilmarinen,
Sought the maiden in her chamber,
And he spoke the words which follow:
“Now the task is laid upon me,
Manala’s fierce wolves to bridle,
And to hunt the bears of Tuoni,
Far in Tuonela’s great forest,
In the distant realms of Mana.”
Then his bride assistance lent him,
And advice the maiden gave him.120
“O thou smith, O Ilmarinen,
Thou the great primeval craftsman!
Forge thee bits, of steel the hardest,
Forge thee muzzles wrought of iron.
Sitting on a rock in water,
Where the cataracts fall all foaming.
Hunt thou then the Bears of Tuoni,
And the Wolves of Mana bridle.”
Then the smith, e’en Ilmarinen,
He the great primeval craftsman,130
Forged him bits, of steel the hardest,
Forged him muzzles wrought of iron,
Sitting on a rock in water,
Where the cataracts fall all foaming.
Then he went the beasts to fetter,
And he spoke the words which follow:
“Terhenetär, Cloudland’s daughter!
With the cloud-sieve sift thou quickly,
And disperse thy mists around me,
Where the beasts I seek are lurking,140
That they may not hear me moving,
That they may not flee before me.”
Then the Wolf’s great jaws he muzzled,
And with iron the Bear he fettered,