Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v1.djvu/260

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[Runo XX

Runo XXI.—The Wedding Feast at Pohjola


The bridegroom and his party are received at Pohjola (1-226). The guests are hospitably entertained with abundance of food and drink (227-252). Väinämöinen sings and praises the people of the house (253-438).

Then did Pohjola’s old Mistress,
Crone of Sariola the misty,
Sometimes out of doors employ her,
Sometimes in the house was busied;
And she heard how whips were cracking,
On the shore heard sledges rattling,
And her eyes she turned to northward,
Towards the sun her head then turning,
And she pondered and reflected,
“Wherefore are these people coming10
On my shore, to me unhappy?
Is it perhaps a hostile army?”
So she went to gaze around her,
And observe the portent nearer;
It was not a hostile army,
But of guests a great assembly,
And her son-in-law amid them,
With a mighty host of people.
Then did Pohjola’s old Mistress,
Crone of Sariola the misty,20
When she saw the bridegroom’s party,
Speak aloud the words which follow:
“As I thought, the wind was blowing
And a faggot-stack o’erthrowing,
On the beach the billows breaking,
On the strand the shingle rattling.
So I went to gaze around me,
And observe the portent nearer;
But I found no wind was blowing,
Nor the faggot-stack was falling,30