Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v1.djvu/277

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Runo XXII]
Tormenting of the Bride

“But to this thou hast not hearkened,
To my words thou hast not listened,
Wilfully thou sought’st the fire,
In the boiling tar hast cast thee.
Now the fox’s sledge awaits thee,
To the bear’s hug art thou going,
And the fox’s sledge will take thee,
Far away the bear convey thee,
Ever slave to other masters,
Ever slave of husband’s mother.230
“From thy home to school thou goest,
From thy father’s house to suffering.
Hard the school to which thou goest,
Long the pain to which thou goest.
Reins for thee are bought already,
Iron fetters all in order,
Not for others are they destined,
But alas, for thee, unhappy.
“Shortly wilt thou feel their harshness,
Helpless feel, and unprotected,240
For the father’s chin is wagging,
And the mother’s tongue is stormy;
And the brother’s words are coldness,
And the sister’s harsh reproaches.
“Hear, O maiden, what I tell thee,
What I speak, and what I tell thee,
In thy home thou wast a floweret,
And the joy of father’s household,
And thy father called thee Moonlight,
And thy mother called thee Sunshine,250
And thy brother Sparkling Water,
And thy sister called thee Blue-cloth.
To another home thou goest,
There to find a stranger mother.
Never is a stranger mother
Like the mother who has borne thee:
Seldom does she give good counsel,
Seldom gives the right instructions.
Sprig the father shouts against thee,
Slut the mother calls unto thee,260

vol. i.