Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v1.djvu/291

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Instructing of the Bride

Haste to fetch the water-basin,
Hasten them to bring a towel,
Bowing with respect before them,
Speaking words of fond affection.250
“Comes the mother from the storehouse,
In her arms the flour-filled basket,
Run across the yard to meet her,
Bowing with respect before her,
Take thou from her hands the basket,
Quickly to the house to bear it.
“If you do not know your duty,
Do not comprehend it fully,
What the work that waits the doing,
Where you should begin your labours,260
Ask the old crone then in thiswise:
‘O my mother-in-law beloved,
How is this work to be managed,
And arranged these household matters?’
“And the old crone thus will answer,
And your mother-in-law will tell you:
‘Thus this work is to be managed,
And arranged these household matters,
Pounding thus, and grinding thiswise,
And the handmill quickly turning.270
Likewise do thou fetch the water,
That the dough be fitly kneaded,
Carry logs into the bakehouse,
And the oven heat thou fully,
Set thou then the loaves for baking,
And the large cakes bake thou likewise,
Wash thou then the plates and dishes,
Likewise washing clean the meal-tubs.’
“When thy work she thus has told thee,
And thy mother-in-law has taught thee,280
From the stones the parched corn taking,
Hasten to the room for grinding;
But when you at length have reached it,
And the room for grinding entered,
Do not carol as thou goest,
Do not shout thy very loudest,