Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v1.djvu/333

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Runo XXV]
The Home-coming

And the thorns his head were combing,
Dew his handsome eyes was washing.
“Thus receives our host so noble,
In his home his friends around him;510
Filled the benches are with singers,
And with joyous guests the windows,
And the floor with talking people,
Porches, too, with people shouting,
Near the walls with people standing,
Near the fence with people walking,
Through the yard are folks parading.
Children on the ground are creeping.
“Now I first have praised the master,
I will praise our gracious hostess,520
She who has prepared the banquet,
And has filled the table for us.
“Large the loaves that she has baked us,
And she stirred us up thick porridge,
With her hands that move so quickly,
With her soft and tenfold fingers,
And she let the bread rise slowly,
And the guests with speed she feasted;
Pork she gave them in abundance,
Gave them cakes piled up in dishes,530
And the knives were duly sharpened,
And the pointed blades pressed downward,
As the salmon were divided,
And the pike were split asunder.
“Often has our noble mistress,
She the most accomplished housewife,
Risen up before the cockcrow,
And before the hen’s son hastened,
That she might prepare the needful,
That the work might all be finished,540
That the beer might be concocted,
And the ale be ready for us.
“Well indeed our noble hostess,
And this most accomplished housewife,
Best of ale for us concocted,
And the finest drink set flowing.