Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v1.djvu/54

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[Runo III

You have gained a valiant bridegroom,
And the home of one most noble,
Where you’ll look from out the window,
Sitting on the bench and talking.”
But her daughter heard and answered,
“O my mother, who hast borne me,550
Therefore have I cause for weeping,
Weeping for the beauteous tresses,
Now my youthful head adorning,
And my hair so soft and glossy,
Which must now be wholly hidden,
While I still am young and blooming.
“Then must I through lifetime sorrow
For the splendour of the sunlight,
And the moonbeam’s charming lustre
And the glory of the heavens,560
Which I leave, while still so youthful,
And as child must quite abandon,
I must leave my brother’s work-room,
Just beyond my father’s window.”
Said the mother to the daughter,
To the girl the crone made answer,
“Cast away this foolish sorrow,
Cease your weeping, all uncalled for,
Little cause have you for sorrow,
Little cause for lamentation.570
God’s bright sun is ever shining
On the world in other regions,
Shines on other doors and windows
Than your father’s or your brother’s;
Berries grow on every mountain,
Strawberries on the plains are growing,
You can pluck them in your sorrow
Wheresoe’er your steps may lead you;
Not alone on father’s acres,
Or upon your brother’s clearings.”580