Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v1.djvu/90

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[Runo VII

Yet we find no trace of hammer,
Nor the trace of tongs discover.”
Louhi, Pohjola’s old Mistress,
Answered in the words which follow:340
“I will only yield my daughter,
And my child I promise only
To the man who welds a Sampo
With its many-coloured cover,
From the tips of swan’s white wing-plumes,
From the milk of barren heifer,
From a single grain of barley,
From a single fleece of ewe’s wool.”
Thereupon the colt she harnessed,
In the front she yoked the bay one,350
And she placed old Väinämöinen
In the sledge behind the stallion.
And she spoke and thus addressed him,
In the very words which follow:
“Do not raise your head up higher,
Turn it not to gaze about you,
That the steed may not be wearied,
Till the evening shall have gathered.
If you dare to raise your head up,
Or to turn to gaze around you,360
Then misfortune will o’ertake you,
And an evil day betide you.”
Then the aged Väinämöinen
Whipped the horse, and urged him onward,
And the white-maned courser hastened
Noisily upon the journey,
Forth from Pohjola’s dark regions,
Sariola for ever misty.