Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v1.djvu/92

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[Runo VIII

And beheld a glorious rainbow;
On the arch the maiden seated,
As she wove a golden fabric,
As the silver comb resounded.30
Väinämöinen, old and steadfast,
Stayed his horse upon the instant,
And he raised his voice, and speaking,
In such words as these addressed her:
“Come into my sledge, O maiden,
In the sledge beside me seat thee.”
Then the maiden made him answer,
And in words like these responded:
“Wherefore should the maiden join you,
In the sledge beside you seated?”40
Väinämöinen, old and steadfast,
Heard her words, and then responded:
“Therefore should the maiden join me,
In the sledge beside me seat her;
Bread of honey to prepare me,
And the best of beer to brew me,
Singing blithely on the benches,
Gaily talking at the window,
When in Väinölä I sojourn,
At my home in Kalevala.”50
Then the maiden gave him answer,
And in words like these addressed him:
“As I wandered through the bedstraw,
Tripping o’er the yellow meadows,
Yesterday, in time of evening,
As the sun was slowly sinking,
In the bush a bird was singing,
And I heard the fieldfare trilling,
Singing of the whims of maidens,
And the whims of new-wed damsels.60
“Thus the bird was speaking to me,
And I questioned it in this wise:
‘Tell me O thou little fieldfare,
Sing thou, that my ears may hear it,
Whether it indeed is better,
Whether thou hast heard ’tis better,