Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v2.djvu/152

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As from Pohjola thou comest?
How at Pohjola exist they?”300
Said the smith, said Ilmarinen,
“How at Pohjola exist they?
There the Sampo grinds for ever,
And revolves the pictured cover,
And one day it grinds provisions,
Grinds for sale upon the second,
On the third what needs the household.
“Thus I speak, and tell you truly,
And again repeat it to you,
How at Pohjola exist they,310
When at Pohjola’s the Sampo!
There is ploughing, there is sowing,
There is every kind of increase,
And their welfare is eternal.”
Said the aged Väinämöinen,
“Ilmarinen, smith and brother,
Where hast thou thy wife abandoned,
Where thy youthful bride so famous,
That you here return without her,
Ever driving homeward wifeless?”320
Thereupon smith Ilmarinen,
Answered in the words which follow:
“Such a wife she was, I sang her
To the sea-cliffs as a seamew;
Now she screams aloud as seagull,
Shrieks aloud without cessation,
Moans about the rocks in water,
And around the cliffs she clamours.”