Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v2.djvu/197

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Fight for the Sampo

Rowed the smith, rowed Ilmarinen,
Rowed the lively Lemminkainen,
All the people joined in rowing.
Swayed about the pinewood oars,
Loudly rang the rowan rowlocks,
And the pinewood boat was swaying.
Like a seal the prow dashed onward,
Boiled the waves behind like cataract,90
Like a bell uprose the water,
And the foam flew up in masses.
As for wager rowed the heroes,
As in race the heroes struggled,
But they rowed, and made no progress,
Nor could urge the wooden vessel
Further from the sailing vessel,
And the ship that came from Pohja.
Then the aged Väinämöinen
Saw misfortune fast approaching.100
On his head was doomsday falling,
And he pondered and reflected,
How to act and how to save him,
And he spoke the words which follow:
“Still I know a plan of safety,
Still I see a little marvel.”
Then he took a piece of tinder,
In his tinder-box he found it,
And of pitch he took a little,
And a little piece of tinder,110
And into the lake he threw it,
O’er his shoulder left he threw it,
And he spoke the words which follow,
And in words like these expressed him:
“Let a reef of this be fashioned,
And a cliff be fashioned from it,
Where may run the ship of Pohja,
Fitted with a hundred rowlocks,
And may strike in lake tempestuous,
And amid the waves be shattered.”120
Thereupon a reef grew upward,
In the lake a cliff was fashioned,