Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v2.djvu/232

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[Runo XLVI

Salt unto the stew he added,
Brought from very distant regions,310
From the Saxon land they brought it,
And from distant waters brought it,
Through the Sound of Salt they rowed it,
And they from the ships conveyed it.
When the meat enough was sodden,
From the fire they took the kettles,
And the booty then was carried,
And the crossbill then they carried
Quickly to the long deal table,
In the golden dishes laid it,320
Where they sat the mead enjoying,
And the beer they were imbibing.
And of firwood was the table,
And the dishes were of copper,
And the spears were all of silver,
And the knives of gold constructed.
All the plates were overloaded,
Brimming o’er were all the dishes,
With the darling of the forest,
Booty of the golden woodland.330
Then the aged Väinämöinen
Spoke aloud the words that follow:
“Comrade old, with golden bosom,
Master thou of Tapio’s household;
Thou of Metsola sweet matron,
Gracious Mistress of the Forest;
Handsome man, the son of Tapio,
Handsome red-capped son of Tapio;
Tellervo, the maid of Tapio;
All the rest of Tapio’s people,340
“Come ye to the feast of cattle,
Where the shaggy beast is eaten;
Here is plenty to be eaten,
Here is food and drink abundant,
Here there is enough for storage,
Plenty too, to give the village.”
And the people then responded,
Answered thus the handsome people: