Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v2.djvu/247

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Sun and Moon

Down he gulped the streak of fire,
And extinguished thus its brightness.250
“Then retired the Lake of Alue,
And fell back from all its margins,
Sinking to its former level
In a single night of summer.
“When a little time passed over,
Fire-pain seized on the devourer,
Anguish came upon the swallower,
Grievous suffering on the eater.
“Up and down the fish swam turning,
Swam for one day and a second,260
All along the powan’s island,
Clefts in rocks where flock the salmon,
To the points of capes a thousand,
Bays among a hundred islands.
Every cape made declaration,
Every island spoke in thiswise:
“‘Nowhere in these sluggish waters,
In the narrow Lake of Alue,
Can the wretched fish be swallowed,
Or the hapless one may perish270
In the torture of the fire,
In the anguish of its glowing.’
“But a salmon-trout o’erheard it,
And the powan blue he swallowed.
When a little time passed over,
Fire-pain seized on the devourer,
Anguish came upon the swallower,
Grievous suffering on the eater.
“Up and down the fish swam turning,
Swam for one day and a second,280
Through the clefts where flock the salmon,
And the depths where sport the fishes,
To the points of capes a thousand,
Bays among a hundred islands.
Every cape made declaration,
Every island spoke in thiswise:
“‘Nowhere in these sluggish waters,
In the narrow Lake of Alue,