Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v2.djvu/268

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And a dozen hatchets forge me,
And a bunch of keys enormous,
From the stone the moon to rescue,
From the rock the sun deliver.”
Thereupon smith Ilmarinen,
He the great primeval craftsman,310
Forged the hero what he needed,
And a dozen hatchets forged him,
Forged a bunch of keys enormous,
And of spears a mighty bundle,
Not too large and not too little,
But of middle size he forged them.
Louhi, Pohjola’s old Mistress,
Old and gap-toothed dame of Pohja,
Then with wings herself provided,
And extended them for flying,320
Near the house at first was flying,
Then her flight extended further,
Straight across the lake of Pohja
Unto Ilmarinen’s smithy.
Then the smith his window opened,
Looking if the wind was blowing;
’Twas no wind that there was blowing,
But a hawk, and grey in colour.
Thereupon smith Ilmarinen
Spoke aloud the words that follow:330
“Bird of prey, what brings thee hither,
Sitting underneath my window?”
Hereupon the bird spoke language,
And the hawk at once made answer:
“O thou smith, O Ilmarinen,
Thou the most industrious craftsman,
Truly art thou very skilful,
And a most accomplished craftsman.”
Thereupon smith Ilmarinen
Answered in the words that follow:340
“But indeed ’tis not a wonder
If I am a skilful craftsman,
For ’twas I who forged the heavens,
And the arch of air who welded.”