Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v2.djvu/54

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[Runo XXIX

And the island-maids reflected,
Said the maidens of the island:
“What’s this strange thing in the water,
What this wonder on the billows?
If a boat of our relations,
Sailing vessel of our island,
Hasten then, and speed thee homeward,
To the harbour of the island,
That we hear the tidings quickly,
Hear the news from foreign countries,70
If there’s peace among the shore-folks,
Or if war is waged among them.”
Still the wind the sail inflated,
And the billows drove the vessel.
Then the lively Lemminkainen
Guided to the isle the vessel,
To the island’s end he drove it,
Where it ends in jutting headland.
And he said on his arrival,
To the cape as he was coming,80
“Is there room upon this island,
On the surface of the island,
Where the boat may land upon it,
And to dry land I may bring it?”
Said the girls upon the island,
And the island-maidens answered:
“There is room upon this island,
On the surface of the island,
Where the boat may land upon it,
And to dry land you may bring it.90
There are harbours for the vessel,
On the beach sufficient rollers,
To receive a hundred vessels,
Though the boats should come by thousands.”
Then the lively Lemminkainen
On the land drew up his vessel,
On the wooden rollers laid it,
And he spoke the words which follow:
“Is there room upon this island,
On the surface of the island,100