Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v2.djvu/76

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[Runo XXX

And they walked one day, a second,
And at length upon the third day,
Then they saw a cape of hunger,
And afar a wretched village.
’Neath the cape there stood a castle,
And they spoke the words which follow:330
“Is there meat within the castle,
Is there fish within the household,
For the worn and weary heroes,
And the men who faint with hunger?”
Meat was none within the castle,
Nor was fish within the household.
Spoke the lively Lemminkainen,
Said the handsome Kaukomieli:
“Fire consume this wretched castle,
Water sweep away such castles!”340
He himself pursued his journey,
Pushing onward through the forest,
On a path with houses nowhere,
On a pathway that he knew not.
Then the lively Lemminkainen,
He the handsome Kaukomieli,
Shore the wool from stones in passing,
From the rocks the hair he gathered,
And he wove it into stockings,
Into mittens quickly wrought it,350
In the mighty cold’s dominion,
Where the Frost was freezing all things.
On he went to seek a pathway,
Searching for the right direction.
Through the wood the pathway led him,
Led him in the right direction.
Spoke the lively Lemminkainen,
Said the handsome Kaukomieli,
“O my dearest brother Tiera,
Now at length we’re coming somewhere,360
Now that days and months we’ve wandered,
In the open air for ever.”
Then did Tiera make him answer,
And he spoke the words which follow: