Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v2.djvu/91

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Then she spread the cake with butter,
And upon the crust laid bacon,
Gave it as the slave’s allowance,
As provision for the herdsman.
She herself the slave instructed,
And she spoke the words which follow:30
“Do not eat the food I give you,
Till in wood the herd is driven.”
Then did Ilmarinen’s housewife
Send the herd away to pasture,
And she spoke the words which follow,
And in words like these expressed her:
“Send the cows among the bushes,
And the milkers in the meadow,
Those with wide horns to the aspens,
Those with curved horns to the birches,40
That they thus may fatten on them,
And may load themselves with tallow,
There upon the open meadows,
And among the wide-spread borders,
From the lofty birchen forest,
And the lower growing aspens,
From among the golden fir-woods,
From among the silver woodlands.
“Watch them, Jumala most gracious,
Guard them, O thou kind Creator,50
Guard from harm upon the pathway,
And protect them from all evil,
That they come not into danger,
Nor may fall in any evil.
“As beneath the roof-tree watch them,
Keep them under thy protection,
Watch them also in the open,
When beyond the fold protect them,
That the herd may grow more handsome,
And the mistress’ cattle prosper,60
To the wish of our well-wishers,
’Gainst the wish of our ill-wishers.
“If my herdsman is a bad one,
Or the herd-girls should be timid,