Page:Kalhana's Rajatarangini Vol 1.djvu/23

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Api-t-Fazt, Aini Ab.

Atnénini, India.

Avrrecnt, Cat. Catal.

Bates, Gazetteer.

Bernie, Travels.

Binur, Report.

Cots, Anc. Build.

Cowrr, Notes.

ConnincHan, Ane. Geogr.

Tho Ain-i Akbui by Abi-L-Fazl ‘Allami, translated from the original Pi by Colonel H. S. Jarrett. Calcutta: Asiatic Society, Vall 1891.

Alberinis India, An aecount of the religion, philosophy. literature, geography. chronology, ustronomy, customs, jaws, and astrology of Turia wbout ap, 1030. An Fostet edition with notes and Indices by Dr. Edward C. Sachan. London: Trubner & Co. Vols. 1—II. 1888.

Catalogns Catalogoram. An Alphsbeticnl Register of Sanskrit works and authors, By Theodor Anfrecht. Leipzig. 1891.

A Gazottecr of Kashmir and the adjacent districts of Kishtwar, Badrawar, Jammu, Naoshera, Punch and the Valley of the Kishen Ganga, compiled (for political and military reference) by Charles Ellison Bates, Captain, Bengal Staff Corps, and Brevet-Major. Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing. 1873.

Travels in the Mogul Empire a.p. 1656-1668, by Francois Bernier, M.D. of the Faculty of Montpellier. “A revised and improved edition by Archibald Constable. Westminster: Archibald Constable & Co. 1891.

Detailed Report of tour in search of Sanskrit MSS. mode in Kaémir, Rajputana, and Central India. By G. Buhler. Extra number of the Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Bombay. 1877.

Tllustrations of Ancient Buildings in Kashmir. Prepared caer sites Sane of the Secretary ot Sate for India in uncil from photographs, ent wings taken by Cer of tn Grcreectet Tai. i Henry Handy Cole, Lieutenant, Bz. Superintendent, Archwological Survey of ag North-West Provinces. London: WE. Allen & Co,

Notes on some of the temples of Kashmir, especially those not described by General A. Cunningham, in his essay pabished in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal.

Smet of OK. Teteal of th Arais Societe Boog, eummer . iatic Soci 1886, Part I. Celoutta. ,

The Ancient Geography of India I. The Buddhist Period, including the campaigns of Alexander, and the Haj Cena opel Hagin (Banga adh Wi

jor-Ceneral, ith thirteen maps, London: aime € Oe 181. ew