Page:Kalhana's Rajatarangini Vol 1.djvu/27

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frangsia, par M. Jean Bernoulli. Berlin, de {imprimerie de Chrétien Sigismond Spener. [7xi.

Tirthas. Tho Tirthasetigraha of Pandit Sahibrim. (Compare below, if. pp. 3830q. Quoted from MSS. in my ccllectiou.! Trover, Radjat. Radjatarangini, Histoire des Rois du Kachmir, traduite

et commentée par M. A. Troyer et publice sux frais de la Sucisté Asiatigne, Paris. Iinprimé 4 Imprimerie Royale (Nationale), Vols. L~IiL. 18052.

Vie de Bioven-Thsang. Bistoire de ky Vie de Hiouen-Thsung ct de ses voyages Jans Inde, lopuia Yan 620 jusqu'en (45, purHoci-li et Yen- Thsoug ; svivie de documents ct décluircissements géogra- phiqnos tivés da ix relation originale de Biouen Thess i at Stanislas Julien. Paris: Imprimerie

Vieng, Trarels, Travels in Kashmir, Undak, Iskardo, the countries adjoining the mewntain-conrse’ of the Indus, and the Vimalaga, north of the Panjab. With map.’ By G. T. Vigne, sq. Lonslon: Henry Colburn, Vols, L—Ii. 1822.

Vikram. The Vikramatkedevachurita. Life of King Vikramiditya of Kalyana, composed by his Vidypiti Bilhaya. Ecdited, with an introduction. hy Dr. G. Bubler, Bombay: Govern~ ment Central Book Depét. 1675,

Weber-Fesigabe. Gurupijakoumudi, Festpabe zum funfzigjéhrigen Doc- torjubilseum Albrecht Weber dargebracht von seinen Freunden and Schulern. Leipzig: O. Hurrassowitz. 1806,

Wuson, Essay. An Essay ov tho Hindu History of Cashmir. Trans- actions of the Asistic Society. Asiatic Researches, Vol. KV. Calcutta: Asiatic Society. 1825.

Yuue, Cathay. Csthay and the way thither; being a collection of medieval notices of China, translated ancl edited by Colonel Henry Yule, cu. With preliminary essay on the inter- course between China and the Western nations previous to the discovery of the Capo route. London: Hakluyt Society. Vols.1—TL 1866.

_ ¥-B.—In addition to the sbove the usual abbreviations have been used in references to Orientolist periodicals; thus J.R.A.S. (Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society), Jad. Ant. (Indian Anti as hap a Gate der Darien Monpealfnainchen: Gesellschaft), &c.

juotations and verse, without a preceding titl ibbreviation passe; cite Rajetaaigntia the ramtiasktin 8 ee eee