Page:Kapalkundala (1919).djvu/146

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expressed his real motive. Your death is his object but I shall reap no benefit from it. I have committed dark deeds all my life but I have not so far advanced on that sinful path as to cause death of a guileless innocent girl without any ground whatsoever. So I did not fall in with his view. At this moment you came on the spot and, might be, you heard some thing."

"I heard some discussion of that sort."

"That man took me for a fool and offered me some advice. I placed you in hiding in the forest in order to know the trend of the whole thing and give you proper intimation."

"But why did you not come back again?"

"He said many things and so it delayed me to hear his detailed story. You are sure to know him perfectly well. Can you guess who he might be?"

"My former patron, the Kapalik."

"My faith! He it is."

"He gave me a detailed account of how he obtained you on the sea-side—your up-bringing there—Nabokumar's appearance—and your flight with him. Besides, he told me what happened after you had fled with Nabokumar. You don't know what it is all this but I will tell you everything in detail." After this, Luthfunnisha told her every thing—the Kapalik's fall from the hill-top—his fracture of arms—and the dream. Kapalkundala was electrified to hear the dream and a galvinistic shock ran through her heart.

Lutfunnisha continned. "The Kapalik is bent upon carrying out the orders of Bhowani. But,