Page:Kapalkundala (1919).djvu/88

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into an Omrah whether he would not look all the more handsome?"

"What a new idea?"

"Why? Don't you remember the Begum's promise that my husband shall be created an Omrah when Khasru becomes the Badsha?"

Know it I do, of course. But what earthly reason is there that your former husband shall be made an Omrah?"

"Besides, what other husband have I got?"

"I mean the prospective new husband"

Moti jestfully added "It is a wicked thing for a chaste woman like me to be in possession of two husbands!—who goes there?"

Peshman happened to recognise the man, whom Moti challenged, to be a creature of Khan Ajim of Agra. Both looked flurried. Peshman called in the man who came forward, saluted Luthfunnisha and handed in a letter to her. Moreover, he said "I was carrying the letter to Orissa because of its urgency."

The reading of the missive gave a death-blow to Moti's high hopes and cherished aspirations of life. The letter ran as follows:—

"Our energies are of no avail. Even on death-bed Akbar Shah defeated our ends by his art and sagacity. His soul has passed away into eternity. Under his orders Prince Selim has assumed the title of Jehangir Shah. You need not worry yourself about Khasru. Come back posthaste with a view to baffle any design of hostility towards you on the occasion."