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proof, that “the Gentiles ſhould glorify God for his mercy in Jeſus Chriſt, as it is written, For this cauſe will I confeſs to thee among the Gentiles, and ſing unto thy name.”

In the nineteenth Pſalm, David ſeems to be ſpeaking of the material heavens, and their operations only, when he ſays, “Their ſound is gone out into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.” But Paul, Rom. x. 18. quotes the paſſage to ſhew, that the goſpel had been univerſally publiſhed by the apoſtles.

The twenty-ſecond pſalm Chriſt appropriated to himſelf, by beginning it in the midſt of his ſufferings on the croſs; “My God, my God,” &c. Three other verſes of it are, in the New Teſtament, applied to him; and the words of the eighth verſe were actually uſed by the chief prieſts, when they reviled him; “He truſted in God,” &c. Matth. xxvii. 43.

When David ſaith, in the fortieth pſalm, “Sacrifice and offering thou didſt not deſire— Lo I come to do thy will.” we might ſuppoſe him only to declare, in his own perſon, that obedience is better than ſacrifice. But from Heb. x. 5. we learn, that Meſſiah, in that place, ſpeaketh of his coming in the fleſh, to aboliſh