Page:Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din - The Strength of Islam.djvu/10

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as "everlasting damnation" on me for being an honest man, and telling the truth about my beliefs to Him "to whom all hearts be open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid."

Elasticity in Religion.

There must be nothing rigid in a universal Faith except only the firm belief in the One and Only God and the Revelations made through His Holy Prophets. God sees into the heart and those who worship Him in spirit and in truth are not to be cast from the fellowship of the Faithful merely on account of some set of conditions peculiar to climates or customs or particulars regarding habits ingrained by long use in certain nationalities.

I have always looked upon Islam as fitted for the whole of the human race and for all times, and I have thought that the spirit of the great Faith which we profess with so much delight and happiness soars far above petty conventionalities. Moses and Jesus were for the Jews, but Islam is for Humanity without any distinc-