Page:King's muster (1).pdf/7

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What fate can be waur, in winter time,
Than rise in the morning early.

A cosey house, and a cantie wife,
Keeps aye a body cheery:
And pantry stow’d wi’ meal and maut,
It answers unco rarely.
But up in the morning na, na na,
Up in the morning early;
The gowans maun glint on bank an’ brae
Ere I rise in the morning early.


Bauldy Baird’s come again,
Bauldy Baird’s come again;
Tell the news through burgh and glen,
Bauldy Baird’s come again!

O Bauldy Baird can buy and sell
Barrels o’ herring, lades o’ meal;
Cheat till the good man be poor,
And putch till the good wife look sour;
Laugh and clatter, curse and han,
Tell a lie wi’ onie man.
Tell the news to a’ ye ken,
That Bauldy Baird’s come again.

Bauldy Baird can drink, I trow,
Till a’ the bodies roun’ be ru’;
Ilka ane that shares his bicker,

Kens how Bauldy pays bis liquor.