Page:King Alfred's Old English version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies - Hargrove - 1902.djvu/169

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51.5; ongitst, 16.22; 50.19; ongytst (MS. ongyst), 46.13; 60. 17 (MS. ib.); 3. sg. ongyt, 11.2 (2); 28. 14; ongit, 6. 12; ongæt, 68. 21; 3. pl. ongēaton, 60. 3; ongǣaton, 19. 19; ongyotað, 69. 6; ongytað (MS. ongytat), 11. 9; opt. 2. sg. ongyte, 25.21; 32.5, 14; 35. 8; 53. 6; ongeate, 60. 19; ongytæ, 19. 18; 3. sg. ongyte, 31. 26; 42.1; ongytæ, 18.15; ongeatan, 7.18,20; inf. 2.23; 6.14; 11.16; 14.14,19; 17.1; 18.14; 19.14; 20.15; 22.20; 23.15; 25.14,15; 31.18,22,23; 32.6; 46.4; 49.13; 53. 18; 57. 3; 58. 16; 60. 15; ongitan, 42. 7; 47.16; 55.18; 60.5; ger. ongytænne, 31.25; ongyttanne, 39. 16; 41.4; pp. ongyten, 21.16; 58.25; ongitten, 53.6; ongitan, 28. 14.

onhagian, wv., impers., be fitting, please, become: opt. 3. sg. onhagige, 2. 16; onhagie, 4. 13; onhagað, 26.7; 46.5; 65. 10.
†onhwærfedness, f. ; change: ds. onhwærfednesse, 9. 5.
†onlīcness, f., similitude, image: ds. anlīcnesse, 9. 16; 11. 1.
†onlōcian, wv., look on, look at: 1. pl. onlōciað, 31. 22; opt. 1. sg onlōcige, 26. 16.
onlȳhtan, wv., illuminate: w. gen. 3. sg. onlȳht, 31. 7; w. acc. 3. sg. onlēoht, 44. 25; onlīht, 44. 25.
†onriht, adv., rightly: 13. 8.
onscynian, wv., shun, avoid: 3. pl. onscyniað, 45. 11; onscuniað, 47, 8; inf. onscunian (MS. onscinian), 47.6.
onsendan, wv., send: imp. onsend, 68.3.
†ontimber, n., material: as. 2. 6.
†onweald, n., power: ds. onwealde 55.9.
openlice, adv., openly, clearly: 5. 20; 42.9; 64.24; 67.7; comp. openlicor, 46.3; 64.32.
ormōd, adj., hopeless: ns. 49. 4.
oð, prep. w. acc., until: 27. 6.
oð, conj. w. opt., until: 3. 15; 59. 9; w. ind., 35. 22.
ōðer, adj. pron., second, other: ns. 3.8; 57.6, etc.; gs. ōðres, 4.8, etc.; ds. oððer, 10. 1; as. ōðerne, 5. 15, etc.; np. ōðre, 10. 3, etc.; gp. ōðera, 4. 11, etc.; dp. ōðrum, 5. 20, etc.; ap. oððere, 17. 15.
oððe, conj., or: 2.22, etc.; 46.11; (MS. of ðe), oððe . . . oððe, either ... or, 9. 5, 6, etc.


racu, f., exposition, discourse: ns. 26.7.
rǣd, m., advice, counsel: as. 13.24; 48. 18 (MS. reð).
†rǣdfast, adj., wise: ns. 61.9.
†rǣdlic, adj., expedient, reasonable: comp. ns. rǣdlicre, 33. 4.
†ræðe, adv., soon, quickly: 52. 5; raðe, 30. 20; comp. raðor, 17. 5, 12.
recan, wv., care, reck: pret. rōhte, 58. 1 (2).
reccan, wv., expound, explain; rule, direct: 2. sg. recst, 9.18; 59.10; pret. rehte, 32.10; 63.9; pret. 2. sg. reahhest, 20. 10; reahte, 3. 1; 3. sg. ræahte, 41. 7.
recelēas, adj., careless: np. recelēase, 40.2.
†rēdan, wv., decree, determine;