Page:King Alfred's Old English version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies - Hargrove - 1902.djvu/41

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same hand. After citing many parallel passages bearing on the relation of these two works, he closes with the following recapitulation:

1. There are striking resemblances between the Blooms and the Boethius in the setting of the dialogue, and in all things pertaining to the conduct of the discussion.

2. There are cases of close correspondence between Anglo-Saxon passages that translate Latin expressions widely different from each other.

3. There are original passages of the Blooms closely resembling translation-passages of the Boethius.

4. There is noticed one case of correspondence between a translation-passage of the Blooms and an original passage of the Boethius.

1 Mod. Lang. Notes. IX. 170.

2 A few typical examples are to my text of the Soliloquies and to


Nu ic gehTre hwaet Su wold- est witan. Ac ic wolde witan aarest set J>e, etc. 56. 1-3.

Genoh sweotol hit is. 64. 6.

GenOh wel Su hyt ougitet. 16. 22.


8 Be Jnnre hese seo sunne brings leohtne dseg, and se mona leoht on nyht. 9. 14, 15.

Sol exercet diem, luna tem- perat noctem.


4 Hu nu sint sealle halga bee fill neah fulle be undeadlycnesse J>sere sawle? 59.28,29.


6 Du hsetst me forlStan J>a unrotnesse, Sy Isest is awSer oSSe

quoted below. The references are Sedgefield's Boethius: Boethius.

Ic wat nu hwaet J>u woldest witan. Ac me lyste bet f>set pu me ssede, etc. 87. 19, 20.

Genog sweotol hit is. 83. 32. Genoh rihte Su hit ongitst. 87. 28.


Swa eac sTo sunne brings leohte dagas, and se mona liht on niht. 49.21,22.

Quod Phoebus roseum diem Curru provehit aureo, ut quas duxerit Hesperos Phoebe noctibus imperat.


Hu ne wasS Su psette ealle

bee sind fulla f>ara biesena J>ara

monna f>e er us w^eran. 65. 11-13.

Atqui plena est exemplarum



Ac ic eom nu get on micle maran gedrefednesse geunrotsod, c*