Page:King Edward VII, his life & reign; the record of a noble career 1.djvu/15

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CONTENTS Page CHAPTER VIII. A TOUR IN THE EAST - - 159 1862 The Loss of the Prince Consort Dr. A. P. Stanley A Tour in Egypt and Palestine arranged Landing at Alexandria The State of Egypt Cairo in 1862 The Pyramids Up the Nile Assouan The Island of Philae Down the Nile Edfu Thebes Karnak Service in the Great Temple Denderah Assiut Back to Cairo Suez Pompey's Pillar Cleopatra's Needles Arrival at Jaffa The Road to Jerusalem Sacred Scenes A Rare Privilege Bethel Shiloh Nabulus The Samaritan Passover Easter by the Sea of Galilee An Easter Service Kadesh-Naphtali Damascus Abd-el- Kader Baalbec Beirut Tyre and Sidon Lebanon The Cedar Grove The Homeward Journey Patmos Ephesus Smyrna Constantinople Athens Malta At Fontainebleau Palace Death of General Bruce Mar- riage of the Princess Alice Visit to the King of the Belgians at Laeken Family Gathering at Rheinhartsbrunn The Prince comes of Full Age An Edinburgh Memorial.