Page:King of France, his catechism.pdf/7

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Dutch Fleets; and would ſooner bring the next Plate Fleet into Vigo; than hazard a Battle with him.

Q. Who gives this Terrible account of him?

A. Villeroy and Catinat; the one he drove out of Italy, and took the other out of his Winter Quarters, then my Grandſon Anjou ſends me word, he received little better Treatment from him at Luzzara, than his Brother Burgunday did from the Lubbuerly Dutch at Hutſt.

Q. Was not your Majeſty overſeen in your Politicks, when you Proclaim'd the Prince of Wales, and provock'd the Engliſh to declare War againſt you?

A, 'Twas a Sketch of my ancient Policy, but fail d plaguely in the Expectation: I ſent an Ambaſſador to excuſe it, but ſoon found my Error in the Arſwer they gave him: I have heartily Repented ſince, for I find the Engliſh the greateſt Thorn in my ſide, but I was willing to play all my pranks at once, and cut do the Devil in Miſchief if I could.

Q. Has not your Majeſty and the young Cambrian Gentleman a great many Friends in England?

A. Ay; ſuch as they be, Fellows with Monſtrous Tongues, and no Hearts, that will kiſs his Picture, or Drink his Health, but nothing elſe, whoſe Loyalty is know by their Rags, as ſome Mens Honeſty is by their Poverty: ſuch as will ſerve him no further than the Chimney Corner, and do nothing elſe but talk for him: However, I ſtill take care to diſtribute a ſmall Subſiſtance, and have my Partizans among 'em to keep their Fury awake; I have inendiaries at Work wherever there's any Wicked deſign a foot.

Q. And what will your Majeſty do for 'em if you compaſs your Deſign of fixing the Crown of England on the Presended Prince of Wales?

A. Hang up half them for their Folly, and encourage the other half for being Rogues to their Country.

Q. What may the people of England expect?

A. As much Mercy as I ſhew'd to the Hugonots of my own Kingdom; Turn or burn, Fire or Faggot I'd make all her Laws conformable to Arbitrary power