Page:Kings of Kashmira Vol 1 (Rajatarangini of Kalhana).djvu/14

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KINGS OF Kashmira fi the serpent (Naga). There lived various classes of Nagas whose jewels made the city as rich as the treasury of Kuvera. The first king Mia was invited by the Nagas to reign over V) them. He had a sceptre over and a half cubit long, and had an umbrella placed over him, aud a hunda. - *The history then presents a blank till the reign of Gonauda I. at the beginning of the Kali yuga. This powerful kiug was contemporary with Yudhisthira and a frioud of his 'enemy Jarasindhu. Gonanda I, who ruled in Kashmira, whore the Ganges flows cheering the mount Kailaaa on her way, was invited by Jarasindhu to help him in his invasion of Mathura, the capital of Krishna. With a largo army they invested that city and encamped on the banks of the Yamuna to the great terror of their foes. On one occasion the army of Krishna was defeated in a battle, but Ealarama not only retrieved the confusion of his army, but niiide a vigorous attack on' the allied force. For a long time victory re- mained doubtful, till at last Gonanda I., pierced with wounds fell dead on the field, and the army of Krishna was victorious. On his cUjath^Damodara*I. asoended the throne of Kashtnira, and though possessed of this beautiful king- dom, he was far from being happy ; his proud ^hearfc brooded on his father's death. While in this state, he h<%a that the GsLudharas had invited Krishna and his relatives to the nuptials of some of the daughters of