Page:Kitecraft and kite tournaments (1914).djvu/113

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aeroplane models

is all handmade. Little turn buckles for tightening the guy wires were made, as well as the little metal attachments to which the ends of the guy wires are attached. The silk covering was stretched and oiled on the frame.

An equally well made model is shown in Fig. 208. In this monoplane all the curving of ribs and trussing of frame were very accurately done. It will be recognized that this is a very excellent piece of work and the outlines of the planes are very beautiful and well proportioned. The planes are supported at the outer ends by careful adjustment of wires above and below the wings. Notice the two little braces above the center of the framework to which the guy wires are attached. Turn-buckles are used on this model also. The horizontal and vertical planes to the rear of the model, but to the front in the picture, were ideas original with the maker, altho I have seen pictures similar to this since.

Some make up these models in good shape for the purpose of using them as attractions in show windows. Merchants will sometimes give a rental for a good model. Very often when used as a display, an electric motor is installed in them so as to run the propellers.

In group B, the models are made to fly as kites. It is possible to gain much knowledge about the motor driven models by patient study on the aeroplane kite. The kite flying side will not help so much as the gliding. When the aeroplane kite is well up, if the string is allowed considerable slack, the model will glide if well balanced and if the planes are tilted properly. Balance will be necessary both to right and left and fore and aft. It is very interesting to get such a model pulled well up in the air and have a release that will cut the kite line. The punk method is good, only that we would like to have better control of just the time for cutting loose. The punk has this advantage however that not knowing just when it will cut loose you are held in happy suspense, just as you wait for a bite on your fish line.

Another simple releasing device can be used: hooks are placed on the kite at each point of attachment of the bridle, and on the end of each string of the bridle is tied a small ring, which is to be hooked on the hook of the kite. The hooks must bend back and downward and