Page:Kojiki by Chamberlain.djvu/284

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“Ko-ji-ki,” or Records of Ancient Matters.
[Vol. XXV.

kept the two Deities Her Augustness Princess Hibasu and Her Augustness Princess Oto; but as for the two Deities the younger queens, he sent them back to their native place on account of their extreme hideousness. Thereupon Princess Matonu said with mortification: “When it is known in the neighbouring villages that, among sisters of the same family, we have been sent back on account of our ugliness, it will be extremely mortifying;” and, on reaching Sagaraka[1] in the Land of Yamashiro, she tried to kill herself[2] by hanging herself from a branch of a tree. So that place was called by the name of Sagariki. It is now called Sagaraka. Again, on reaching Otokuni,[3] she at last killed herself by jumping[4] into a deep pool. So that place was called by the name of Ochikuni. It is now called Otokuni.

[Sect. LXXIV.—Emperor Sui-nin (Part VI.—Tajima-mori Brings Back the Orange from the Eternal Land).]

Again the Heavenly Sovereign sent Tajima-mori,[5] ancestor of the

    these names have already appeared above, where the etymology of Hibasu was said to be doubtful, while Oto signifies “younger sister.” Matonu has likewise already appeared, and is of uncertain derivation. Motowori supposes this last name to be in this place but an alias for Utakori, which he explains in the sense of “sad heart,” with reference to the story of this princess as here told. In any case there is confusion in the legend, for in the parallel passage of the “Chronicles” five princesses are mentioned, whereas at the end of Sect. LXXI of these “Records” the Empress is make to speak of only two. The father’s name has been already there explained.

  1. The real derivation of this name is obscure. The ancient (perhaps here and elsewhere supposititious ancient) form Sagari-ki signifies “hanging-tree.” Saga-raka is written 相樂, a good example of the free manner in which some Chinese characters were anciently used for phonetic purposes. Sau-raku, Sa-raku or Sa-gara would be the only readings possible in the modern tongue.
  2. Literally, “wished to die.” Motowori supposes that her design was frustrated by her attendants.
  3. Written with characters signifying “younger country,” but here supposed by the author to be derived from ochi-kuni, “falling country,” in connection with this legend.
  4. Lit., “died by falling.”
  5. The meaning of this name, which is written phonetically both here and in the “Chronicles,” has given rise to differences of opinion, some deriving it from the name of the province of Tajima (itself of obscure origin) and from the word