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Cease to importune me. Farewell till evening.
I cannot come forth—will not"


"'Tis too late.
Know'st thou for what I pray thee? Throw some
No, no, thou hast no flowers. From thy garments
A thread, or from thy tresses cast a lock;
Or throw a pebble from thy prison walls.
To-day I wish—all may not see to-morrow.
I would to-day have some remembrance of thee,
That lay this very morn upon thy breast,
And which a tear shall glow on, lately shed.
For I would lay it on my heart in death,
And bid the gift farewell with my last breath.
I must die shortly, swiftly, suddenly!
Well die together! Dost thou see that shot-hole?
There will I dwell. Each morning for a sign,
I'll hang a black cloth on the balcony.
And at the grate each evening place a lamp.
There gaze thou steadfast. Throw I down the cloth.
Or if the lamp expires before its time.
Close thou thy window. I maybe return not.
Farewell, beloved!"