Page:Korea (1904).djvu/371

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Kang-song, 286
Kang-wha, 284-296
Kang-won, 8, 125, 126, 175, 176
Kap-san, 216
Keu-chai, 198
Keum River, 158, 182
Keum-kang-san, 227, 229, 232
Keum-san, 159
Ki-ja, 123
Kim Yueng-lehun, 68
Knochenhauer, 217
Kobe, 32
Ko-chong, 286
Kong-chyu, 158
Konishi, 132
Character of people, 117-120, 222; Court of, 59 seq., 70-80; Customs and dress of the people, 35-41; Dancing, 56-58; Development and progress of, 10-15; Disease in, 259-260; Early explorers of, 2-7; Filth of people, 249-250; Food, 126-127; Geography of, 1-10, 13-14, 143; Government, 10-11, 96, 105, 114-116; Hunting in, 222-226; Language of, 108-110; Origin of people, 41-42; Postal system, 30-32; Slavery in, 49-52; Superstition, 7-10, 251-252, 256-257; Telegraphic communication, 26, 28-30; Trade and shipping, 20-23, 138-147, 302-306; Travelling in, 270-280
American interests in, 154-156
Belgian interests in, 166-167
British interests in, 149-154; Policy in, 91, 95, 184; Settlements in, 18
China and, early relations between, 10, 129-130; Influence of, in, 42; Settlements in, 16-18; Trade between, 141
French influence in, 61; interests in, 161-166; Policy in, 91-92, 95, 183-184
German interests in, 166
Japanese, incursions and early relations with, 49, 128-134; Influence, 134-137; Interests in, 156-161, 172-173; Policy in, 134-135; Settlements in, 18, 136-137, 160-161
Russian influence in, 61; Interests in, 171, 172, 192-206; Policy in, 91, 94, 183-184
Ko-ryö, 175
Ko-yang, 164
Kumungo, the, 111
Kun-san, description of, 182, 188-189
Kuroda, 132
Kwi-po, 159
Kyöng-keui, 125, 158
Kyöng-syang, 124, 126, 158
Kyo-wha, 164

La Pérouse, 7
Law Department, expenditure, 98, 100
Law, marriage and divorce, of, 112-114
Penal, 111-112
Lazareli, 7
Lefevre, M. G., 162
Li Hung Chang, 201
Liao-tung Gulf, 129
Peninsula, 195
Lyne Sound, 179

Ma-eum-to Island, 288
Manchuria, Russian policy towards, 195, 196, 205
Man-sak-dong, 16
Man-san-po, 192, 196-200
Matunine, M., 94
Min Yeung-ik, 61
Minerals, Korean, 14, 165, 187, 189, 217-220
Table of, 309
Mines, British, 217
German, 217 seq
Mining, Korean methods of, 219-220
Missionaries: American, 265-267; Church of England, 264-265, 288; French, 261-264
Mok-po, 32, 104, 158, 264; Description of, 178-181
Monasteries: Chang-an-sa, 226, 229-230, 233, 234, 243, 244-246; Chung-deung, 288; Kang-wha, 287-288, 289-296; Mun-su-sa, 288; Pyo-un, 229; Shin-ki-sa, 241-242; Sin-ga, 229; Sok-wan, 175; Yu-chom-sa, 229, 232-237, 241, 246-247
Mountains: Diamond, 8, 170 seq, 226 seq, 242; Korean, description of, 13-14; Nam-san, 25; Peuk-an, 25; Superstitions regarding, 8-10
Mukden, 193
Mum-sa-am, 243
Mun-chyön, 159
Mun-san-po, 164
Mun-su, hill of, 287

Nagasaki, 28, 32
Nageum, the, 111
Nak-tong River, 159
Nam-pu, 200