Page:Korolenko - Makar's Dream and Other Stories.djvu/289

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and saw what you want to do to me he wouldn't raise a fine riot? But every one you ask will say of the miller in a year: the devil fly away with him! That was number three!"

"All right; number three. I don't deny it."

"And a fine business it would be if you did deny it! What sort of an honest Hebrew devil would you be after that? Tell me now what you agreed to do on your part."

"I have done all I agreed. I have left you alive for a year; number one. I have brought you back here; number two——"

"And what about number three? What are you going to do about that?"

"What do you think I'm going to do? If you win the bet I'll let you go scot free."

"And my losses? Don't you know that you owe me for my losses?"

"Losses? What losses can you have had when we allowed you to do business with us for a whole year without paying a license? You wouldn't have made as much profit in three years on earth. Just think for yourself: I carried you off in your shirt without even a pair of shoes to your feet, and look what a big bundle you've brought back! Where did you get it from if you made nothing but losses?"

"Oi, vei! There you are scolding me about my bundle again! Whatever I made there by trading is my own business. Did you count my profits?